Ma-pell's organization can satisfy all the needs of the suppliers, both the single butcher's shop and the big slaughterhouse.
Their service starts from the collection of the raw skins in combination if requested, with the collection of fat, bones and blood (cat.3) and high-risk specific products (cat.1 and 2).
Ma-pell pick up the products weekly from the single butcher's shop against issuing of a bill cat.3 as per rule CE 1774/2002.
Ma-pell book their loading and unloading activity fulfilling their declaration for annual treatment.
In the big slaughterhouses the products collection is done also daily by licensed suitable trucks equipped with crane thus allowing the driver to lift the containers full with products without the help of the slaughterhouse personnel.
Mapell operate in Italy in Piedmont, Liguria and part of Lombardy, other areas possible on request.