Mapell were founded in 1940 under the name "Fratelli Manera". The company having namely been run by 3 brothers: Marco, Donato and G. Battista. Their main activity was based on the collection and brining of bovine skins.

Actually, the idea came from G. Battista who at that time run a butcher's shop in Cherasco, a small village near Alba. The skins coming from the slaughtering were brined by himself and sold to a well known local tannery m/s Boglione at Bra.

When the war began he had to stop his handling and, not to lose further chances, he decide to hide the skins in a house basement. At the end of the war he realized that the skins could have become an important source of profit.

For this reason, he left the butcher's shop and, with the help of his father Giovanni, he bought a warehouse in the centre of Alba, where, together with his brothers, he finally founded the "Fratelli Manera's company". Other skins from the local slaughterhouse and from the neighbouring villages added to his small skin stock and were picked up with the use of a duly equipped bicycle and motorcycle.
The company grew up and while Marco, one of the brothers, decided to retire from the business, G. Battista and Donato with their resp. children, Sergio and Italo decided to move outside the city and founded the "Manera Pelli". Then a new business started!

The collection of fat (slaughtering discard) and its melting fat was melted in a steam boiler recycled from a ship in disuse and stored in drums with a containg capacity of 200 kg/each. From that melted fat, animal tallow was obtained, useful for the soapery industry. Also bovine bones were collected and sold to specialized companies for their transformation.

At the beginning of the sixties, thanks to its production increase and to a bigger market demand, the company's turn over also increased thus making the management decide to move again to the industrial area of Alba and build a new warehouse on an area of 15,000 square meters , namely its today head site.
In 1976 to Donato and Italo, the children of G. Battista, Sergio and Rosangela, took over their parent's activity founding the new company "Ma-pell".

New branches were then opened: in west Liguria, in the south-east of France and in Oleggio, up in Novara province.

The whole collection of skins and slaughterhouse residual products was conveyed to the Alba head site where meanwhile a new melting plant for the production of tallow and meat flour was set up. With the time the attention given to the production of quality skins attained a consolidated network of faithful suppliers having cooperated with Ma-pell since even 30 years.

White piedmontese skins are our button-hole and become the more and more rare. The Italian and foreing tanneries cooperating with us know and appreciate our engagement and our products.

We can therefore say Ma-pell set themselves in a "niche" position, being the piedmontese market for raw skins covered by bigger companies with wider purchasing possibilities.

The various generation involvements did not negatively influence the engagement and passion of Ma-pell which continue through the Sergio's son, Luca, who in 1999 joined the company and who, with the cooperation of his employees proudly goes the way opened by his grand father over 60 years ago.

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